AI -Overview for the outsider.

Artificial Intelligence is the buzz word right now, Machine Learning, Robots doing fancy military exercises and feverish predictions of the future are all the rage in an industry in which merely blinking would surely lead to missing the next big break through. But if you’re not up to date with some of the main technology…

Using Public WiFi – Are you at risk?

Despite some long held concerns over the security of public WiFi, millions continue to use the services at their local coffee shops every day – usually to no ill effect. So the question is, is using public Wifi dangerous? And if so, what can you do to minimise the risk? Read on to find out…..

A brief overview of Cyber-security in Healthcare monitoring

Healthcare patient monitoring systems are now a very big deal. The tremendous amount of data generated by the devices can lead to key insights into patient healthcare, improved clinical diagnosis and disease control. But as with almost all technology in practice today – there are potential vulnerabilities that underlie the technology and attackers willing to…

Rise in Mobile fraud – How does it work?

With the excitement around the latest Android Pie release on google’s proprietary Pixel devices with other devices in the not too distant future, it’s easy to overlook the multiple attack vectors that people increasingly expose themselves to on their mobile devices. The RSA reported that rouge mobile apps account for 28% of RSA detected fraudulent…

Python & Machine Learning – Getting Started

Being able to confidently add a competency with Machine Learning to your CV is definitely going to add value to your profile. Beyond that the skills learned have the potential to send you deep within a fascinating field. Here’s my tips for getting into Machine Learning. I’m starting at the very basics in case you’re…

Data Analysis – The basics

If you want to get into Data Analytics the easiest way by far is to pursue a degree in Statistics/Data Science/Econometrics etc in Academia. But for those of us who aren’t able to undertake the financial and lifestyle demands of formal education – Data Analytics doesn’t have to be out of your reach. Step 1…

What is Meta-Analysis?

. The Fundamentals series aims to break down complex and deep subjects into a comprehensible understanding of the underpinnings. Often one of the first stumbling blocks in learning a new subject can be the overwhelming nature of a task fraught with it’s own language dependent idiosyncrasies. This series will aim to give an layman’s perspective…

Defensive Security: Network Hardening

Securing Networks is a dynamic and continuous challenge to any size business. This guide will give you the most up to date recommendations by BigBrainData. Default Settings Default settings are inherently insecure and yet many companies continue to keep them, especially those that keep all network configuration in house. An example of a vulnerability in…